First of all, Why Have a Code of Ethics?
Next, Some general guidance on writing a code of ethics.
A more formal how-to: "Considerations for Writing a Code of Ethics"
Bibliography of articles available in print on
the topic of codes of ethics.
Take a Codes of Ethics
Essays & Speeches On-Line:
and Management of NGOs: The Mandate, The Vision and The Mission
for Writing a Code of Ethics (Center for the Study of Ethics in the
Sample Codes of Ethics:
Books / Manuals (in association with Amazon.com)...
Codes of Conduct: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (The John W. Houck
Notre Dame Series in Business Ethics), by Oliver F. Williams (Editor)
Eighty Exemplary Ethics Statements,
by Patrick E. Murphy
(Editor). University of Notre Dame Press, 1997.
The Mission Statement Book: 301 Corporate Mission Statements from
America's Top Companies, by Jeffrey Abrahams. Ten Speed Press, 1995.
Say It & Live It: 50 Corporate Mission Statements That Hit
the Mark, by Patricia Jones, Larry Kahaner. Currency/Doubleday,
Creating a Mission That Makes a Difference
(Carverguide, 6) by John
Carver (1996)
Organizational Vision, Values and Mission,
by Cynthia D.
Scott, Glenn Tobr, Dennis Jaffe. Crisp Publications, 1994.

Code of the Executive: Forty-Seven Ancient Samurai Principles Essential
for Twenty-First Century Leadership Success, by Don Schmincke
(Plume, 2000)
Mission Statements For Smaller Groups -- A Mission Statement That
Clarifies Vision, Values, and Goals Can Improve Teamwork [DOWNLOAD: PDF]
by Beverly Goldberg

a Workable Company Code of Ethics, (Ethics Resource
Center, 1990)
Writing a Museum Code of Ethics,
(American Association of
Museums, 1993)
Developing and Enforcing a Code of Business Ethics,
by Gary
Codes of Professional Responsibility: Ethics Standards in
Business, Health, and Law (4th Ed),
by Rena A. Gorlin (Editor).
Bureau of National Affairs, 1999.
Codes of Professional Ethics.
Published by Amnesty
International U.S.A., 1984.
Implementation and Enforcement Codes of Ethics in Corporations and
Associations (Opinion Research Corporation Study, No 65334), by
Opinion Research Corporation Staff. Ethics Resource Center, 1980.
Resolving Workplace
Conflict by Customizing the Golden Rule, written by Rochelle Sjolseth.
For more books on
ethics, look to The
EthicsWeb Bookstore.
For additional resources, see also: BusinessEthics.ca. For commentary on recent news stories related to business ethics, see The Business Ethics Blog.
See also "Writing a Conflict of Interest Policy."